The Science and Art of Biblical Interpretation

Welcome to this course on hermeneutics. It will be our goal as we study together The Science and Art of Biblical Interpretation. We call it a “science” because there are certain rules to learn and apply. We call it an “art” because our practice of these rules and principles will become part of the skill set we use and develop over time to become better students and communicators of God’s Word.

Our study will necessarily be limited in scope since, as in every area of Biblical study, there exists a massive amount of material and several different approaches are possible. Our focus, however, will be to draw out from Scripture itself the principles we will use to interpret the Scriptures.

God has revealed Himself to be all-powerful, holy, righteous, and true. Therefore His Word is inerrant, infallible, and authoritative.  In other words, the Bible comes with its own set of “operating instructions” based on the author and is the church’s sole rule for doctrine and practice, which includes hermeneutics. We will see how the prophets, apostles and Jesus Himself interpreted, preached, taught, and lived out the Word of God in dependence on and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

This series of messages is by Jeff Miller. These lessons were given during the Monday night men's Bible study. Click here for more teaching by Jeff Miller.

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